Your card must be activated before first use. Upon activation the funds will be loaded onto the card and the PIN code will be displayed.
All card management is performed via the Buttle Applications Portal, which you can access here.
All cards you are responsible for will be displayed in the ‘Grants’ section of the portal.
To activate the card, select the relevant grant from the list.
This will display a popup from where you can see the details of the grant. To activate a card, click the ACTIVATE button.
Other Management Tools
If you are the support worker, it is your responsibility to activate the prepaid card before assisting your client with the agreed purchases. Do not pass the card or card number to the family/young person or a colleague.
From the grants screen you will be able to view all transactions as the card is used, please monitor the card for appropriate use as per the terms of the grant.
For details on how to view your PIN please see here.
For details on how to report your prepaid lost or stolen please see here.
For details on how to suspend the prepaid card please see here.
For a copy of the prepaid card terms and conditions please see here.
If you need to contact Buttle UK in regards to any issues, please email Buttle at